CS 4960-01 Homework 9

Due: Monday, November 10th, 2008 10:45am

Using MPI, implement the red-blue problem of HW7.

You'll want to start with rb_rev.c from hw7sol.zip, since it uses normal C m[row][column] ordering (as opposed to the backward m[column][row] order of the HW7 starter file).

Throw out the OpenMP #pragmas from the HW7 solution, and use MPI, instead. You can use as much of the MPI library as you like. In particular, functions like MPI_Scatterv, MPI_Gatherv, and MPI_Allreduce are especially useful, some of them in combination with datatype definitions like row, col, and block (using MPI_CHAR instead of MPI_INT) from the lecture slides and mpi_ex.zip.

Last update: Monday, December 1st, 2008