Assignment #3: Interface Design Issues

Introduction to Human/Computer Interaction
CS 5540/6540

DUE:   21 Sept 2011 (11:59 pm)

General Task:

Working in teams of two, create a list of interface issues that you recognized while watching the video clip about Three Mile Island. Be specific in identifying the scenario: When did it occur? What was wrong with the interface design? What were the consequences at TMI? Give some suggestions for improvements. Can you imagine a similar interface design flaw occurring today, perhaps in some other (not necessarily involving a reactor panel, or causing similarly grave) context?


By the project due date, turn in a .pdf   file to cs5540 assign_03. Be sure to put the names of both team members on the introduction page of the presentation slides as well as on the examples chosen by your team. Only handed-in once under either team member's name.

Please assign the indicated filename when conforming to the following synatx:




