Assignment #4: Analyze the SoC Webpage

Introduction to Human/Computer Interaction
CS 5540/6540

DUE:   TBD Sept 08 (11:59 pm)

General Task:

Analyze the School of Computing Webpage.


Analyze the School of Computing webpage ( Consider three user scenarios: 1) as a current CS student, 2) as a prospective CS student, and 3) as an interested outside party looking to find out information about the department such as job offerings, research areas, facilities, etc. For each scenario, discuss the good and bad aspects of the design and functionality. Provide examples of tasks that are easy and hard to perform. Include ways in which you would change the interface, as well as aspects of the interface that you think are successful. Consider what has been talked about in class, and reference the book and class lectures to support your opinion. Take screen shots of the webpage and annotate those images for demonstration. Feel free to include all CS-domain webpages in your analysis. Submit a .ppt presentation that contains your analysis to cs5540 assign4.