Hello, my name is Kevin!

I started writing software in elementary school, but I now have experience in Java, C/C++, Python, Swift, and several other languages.

To this day, I continue to involve myself in computing projects that I find interesting, ranging from scientific computing to building robots to games and graphics.

Also, I know that this section isn't quite aligned with the text below. I'm working on it.

Professional Information

University of Utah

B.S/M.S. Student; Research Assistant at the Center for High Performance Computing

Fall 2012 – Spring 2013, Spring 2016 – Spring 2019 (expected)

Except that part is going to be inlined into the text somehow.

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Tegra Perf & Power Intern; VR Developer Intern

Summer 2017, Summer 2018 – Present

Except that part is going to be inlined into the text somehow.

Description text here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit. Primis blandit fames aliquam urna arcu auctor scelerisque amet dolor aliquam porta malesuada est suspendisse morbi metus. Mus eu ornare eu tortor volutpat fringilla. Vivamus tristique etiam orci feugiat euismod vel. Torquent enim aliquam sit taciti venenatis integer auctor tortor nam condimentum adipiscing ve ipsum.


Complete Resume as PDF

Download my entire resume as a PDF

Description text here.

I probably want more text here so the image doesn't look too lonely. I'll add more later.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit. Primis blandit fames aliquam urna arcu auctor scelerisque amet dolor aliquam porta malesuada est suspendisse morbi metus. Mus eu ornare eu tortor volutpat fringilla. Vivamus tristique etiam orci feugiat euismod vel. Torquent enim aliquam sit taciti venenatis integer auctor tortor nam condimentum adipiscing ve ipsum.


Project Portfolio

Wiimote-controlled Robot

A robot controlled by just moving your arm

For a 8th grade science fair project, I decided to make a robot. A couple of years later, I learned how to connect to Wii Remotes using Bluetooth so I decided to use them to control the robot I already had. At the time, the Wii remotes were both a cheap source of accelerometers (1 is used for each of the arm joints) and joysticks (which are used to control the claw and wheels).


3D Asteroids

The game of Asteroids, but best with a swivel chair!

I'd had previous experience in iOS development, but given the field's rate of change, I elected to take a class to update my knowledge and learn best practices. This game was my final project for that class. Similar to the reasons I took this class, a big part of this game was actually experimentation: I wanted to know if motion controls would be good for a game of Asteroids. I wanted to know how a UI would feel if it remained upright, even when the phone was held at an angle (This is why the text is not perfectly upright on this screenshot; I was holding the phone a couple degrees off of vertical). And of course, I wanted to make something fun that included things such as particle effects, wireframe meshes, and shooting. This app was written purely in Swift, using OpenGL ES 2; particle effects were almost entirely offloaded to the GPU's vertex shaders.


More Projects

View my complete portfolio

I have several more projects in my portfolio. Click the link below to see more!


Personal Interests


I enjoy bass guitar and drums

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I enjoy games that make me think

Description text here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit. Primis blandit fames aliquam urna arcu auctor scelerisque amet dolor aliquam porta malesuada est suspendisse morbi metus. Mus eu ornare eu tortor volutpat fringilla. Vivamus tristique etiam orci feugiat euismod vel. Torquent enim aliquam sit taciti venenatis integer auctor tortor nam condimentum adipiscing ve ipsum.