Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flows 

(ME EN 7960-003) Fall 2014

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Course Objectives:

  • Become familiar with the filtering concept in a turbulent flow and how the idea of scale separation forms the basis for LES.
  • Gain familiarity with the filtered forms of the conservation equations (e.g., mass, momentum, turbulent kinetic energy), how they are derived and how the different terms in the equations can be interpreted.
  • Obtain a basic working knowledge of common subgrid-scale (SGS) parameterizations used in LES of turbulent flows.
  • Understand how to carry out a priori analysis of SGS models from experimental and Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) data sets.
  • Understand common techniques for a posteriori evaluation of SGS models and what conditions are necessary and sufficient for a 'good' SGS model.
  • Become familiar with LES SGS models and techniques used in specific flow cases of interest (e.g., isotropic turbulence, high-Reynolds number boundary layers,  turbulent reacting flows, etc.)
Instructor: Rob Stoll  | Lecture: T, Th 3:40-5:00pm in WEB 2470 | Course Web Site